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Monday, February 28, 2011

HOLY SHIT doesn't seem enough...

Trent Reznor acceptance speech

Wow, is this really happening? When we finished work on "The Social Network," we were very proud of our work and happy just to be involved in this film. And to be standing up here in this company is humbling and flattering beyond words. I'd like to especially thank the Academy for recognizing our work here and David Fincher. David Fincher, thank you so much for the opportunity. Also like to thank my wonderful wife, Mariqueen, I love you so much. (Trent Reznor)

Time's nearly out, so I'm going to improvise a little. David, everyone who brought the film to life, thank you so much. Trent, I think you're a genius, a great friend, and a genius. My wonderful wife, Claudia, and our three children. I love you. Thank you. (Atticus Ross)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pencarian Lelaki Sweet dan Awek bertudung? Boleh makan taik blake wei!

Pencarian Lelaki Sweet dan Awek bertudung : fanpage mcm harreeeeee ni pun ada ka? itu pun boleh cecah 8000+.budak intern opis aku pun siap menjaje muka dia lagi dlm ni. esok datang opis, ko punya CD metal,necrophagist,tu suma boleh masuk salur pembentung.

seperti kata seorang pengutuk: "makan taik la blake wei. lagi sedap dari dok menjaje muke korang. hahaha makan taikkk" - Faking Cit

tapi saya lebih sedap menyebut kata2 Julia Roberts dlm Closer: "he tasted just like you, only sweeter."

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Selebriti di Konsert Deftong : WTF is this shit???

Memang babi babi babi lah. Aku sumpah diorang bodoh sebulan.

Fasha Sandha, soalan mudah, what is this one 'forgettable' Deftones album? kalau dapat i tolong jilatkan ketiak chino utk you dan telinga abe cunningjam sekali.

sumber: ohbulan
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