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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

[filem] KL Gangster kutip RM11 juta!

pardon my ignorance, kurang peduli sikit kat filem ni. pada mulanya lah. sebab samsul yusop haselam.

tapi, menurut blog lain2, filem ini akan mengubah wajah filem Malaysia utk beberapa tahun selepas musim rempit dan pocong kak limah membanting tulang 4 kerat di sawah.

orang yang nama samsul ni terer2 ye. macam samsul ghau ghau.

tapi aku jadi peduli kat filem ni sebab zizan. seriously?

nantikan trailer KL Gangster versi Drone Doom Hipster Metalgaze. nak jugak....

Wore meticulous picked outfit when u sport chapped feet & chipped nails? Get it done at #JojoNails for RM38! #MilkADeal

Wore meticulous picked outfit when u sport chapped feet & chipped nails? Get it done at #JojoNails for RM38! #MilkADeal

Need a break? Come to Sunway Pyramid this weekend and nom the snacks together! #Snekku

Need a break? Come to Sunway Pyramid this weekend and nom the snacks together! #Snekku

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

[video klip] Prema Yin Marilah Versi Remix Drone Doom Post Metal

Video klip Marilah Menari dan Menyepak Itik oleh Prema Yin menampilkan Shah Jaszle arahan Magneto Saifullah yang telah menghuru-hara-anarki-di-kuala-lumpo industri hiburan tanahair.

Life is like a journey. We drive through humps, potholes, highways.. you name it. Find out how DJ Lin lead his life with #protonpersona

Life is like a journey. We drive through humps, potholes, highways.. you name it. Find out how DJ Lin lead his life with #protonpersona

Bob Hoskins menyesal berlakon jadi Super Mario

Bob Hoskins mungkin punya resume lakonan yang power seperti filem "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?,", juga watak-watak penting dalam filem "Brazil," "Mona Lisa" dan "The Cotton Club" tetapi menerusi temuramah bersama Guardian baru-baru ini, pelakon itu menyatakan rasa menyampah dan menyesalnya melakonkan watak ikon permainan video Nintendo iaitu Mario dalam filem Super Mario Bros.

Petikan temuramah tersebut:

What is the worst job you've done?

Super Mario Brothers.

What has been your biggest disappointment?
Super Mario Brothers.

If you could edit your past, what would you change?

I wouldn't do Super Mario Brothers.

Alolololo Bob, cubalah suka, Mario tu kan mimpi indah saya semasa saya kecil. Janganlah hampehkan saya. Filem lain takpe.

Di Hong Kong ada Stephen Chow. Adinda Evans pun boleh. Apa lagi Juliana Evans. Play #CastrolMagnatec's AR game. Super easy. Try today!

Cubalah, mana tahu boleh berlakon dalam Kung Fu Hustle 2.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Facebook fanpage xbleybla of the day : Kami menentang golongan bapok di universiti


Oh, my..... apasal kau tak buat fanpage Kami menentang golongan bapok di Akademi Fantasia je? What? You can't see any? Oh, please, please, please fix yer eyes, mate.

How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!

How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!

Hazama Juara Akademi Fantasia 9?

Macam aku peduli.

Anyway, RIP Akademi Fantasia. Terima kasih untuk 9 tahun muzik yang macam hareeee, bad taste dan fashion sense tahap ultra mega gaylord.

sistem bunyi di akademi fantasia patutnya tak jadi soalan, INB4 the bad taste

Kata AidaSue : "Sound system Konsert AF 9 standard karaoke sangat. Oo, part tak larat nak nyanyi, kau suruh audience nyanyi sama? :O "

Sebenarnya,.... Akademi Fantasia ialah pertandingan karaoke from day 1 lagi.Bad taste, bad taste...

I can never take things seriously out of pertandingan karaoke. It's a bitch.

Yes, Vokal Bukan Sekadar Rupa, Mentor, Malaysian Idol, American Idol, Bintang LG, Idola Kecil whatthefuckever included.

oh my,... i am wasted here. mana pi lagu Parkway Drive? awesome show semalam!

sumber gambar : Facebook AF9

Facebook fanpage xbleybla of the day : Jangan Benci Kami Shuffle Itu Seni


Nah, i never i hate you guys, aku benci budak rempit yang pernah serumah dengan aku dulu yang claim shuffle, i mean , most of them. Tapi itu bersifat personal sahaja.

Video : Mohd Daudsu Jamaluddin idola ku!


ah, great. i kidd.... tahniah buat pasukan bolasepak Terengganu.

Sumber video : TV1, EPLsoker

kalau isteri saya ialah pelacur kelas pertama, siapa bapak ayamnya?

now, you tell me...

p/s : call me ignorance, but.... gosh, Kelab Isteri Taat is real.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

this is Juliana Evans. Simple Plan kot (ok that was history, skang ni dah Anarchy..)

uih, sikit je lagi tu....

Eksklusif!!! Video Adinda Evans yang terlebih hangat daripada biasa!

post rock tahap maharaja hitam ni. enjoice while you still can. #adindaevans

PREMA YIN MARILAH MUSIC VIDEO : aksi takleh bla dgn Shahz Jaszle

aku tak kisah pun content video muzik ni, you've seen so much worse than this before. cuma, seriously nama director dia Gambit Saifullah ?

lepas ni aku direct video nak pakai nama Magneto Abdullah.

Adinda Evans : kesah ape aku bukan virgin

"ni lagi 1 punyaa hal . aku tau dlm dunia ni tak ramai ponpuan ada DARA. skrg susa nk dpt girl yg ade dara . aku kesah ape org nk pggil aku bohsia ? lau kau mara org pggil kau bohsia , means betol la yg kau tu bohsia . sedar sedar la weh .. jgn ingat dlm dunia ni aku srg je tade dara ! pkir sbelum ckp . YEAHH . aku jujor la dgn korang , AKU DA PERNAH MAEN ! puas ? ade ke org nak mngaku mcm ni ? takkan punya .. bia org nak pandang hina kat kita . asalkan kita ade MARUAH DIRI ! thankyou :)"- Adinda Evans #adindaevans

p/s : kamu sudah kena game dengan budak 14 tahun. sad. sad. dandy warhol....

p/p/s: : Pun boleh.... RT @juliana_evans Attention, dis #AdindaEvans has NOTHING to do with me and I don't have a sister. Don't ask me anymore k? :)

p/p/p/s : aku malu siot. Henry Rollins takkan buat docu National Geographic kat sini lepas Adinda Evans jadi TT. gahgahgahgahgahgahgahgahgah

p/p/p/p/s: sebenarnya, maruah diri ada 7 biji kesemuanya #adindaevans
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