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Friday, August 29, 2014

Q&A with artist/designer Aaron Horkey : OHBLOGLAGI EXCLUSIVE

NAZRI AHMADEUS : Hi Aaron, trying to checking your works at Burlesque website but it seems like the website is.... dead or something? Is it just me?

Aaron Horkey : Thanks for getting in touch, good to hear someone's seeing my stuff out there... I dunno what's up with the BRLSQ site - I know it hasn't been updated in years other than the store section but I guess I haven't been on there recently so it might be dead? That site's pretty much just a store at this point anyway - all that "portfolio" crap is so outdated and bad - hopefully nobody's looking at that stuff...

NAZRI AHMADEUS : I have this space in OHBLOGLAGI where i write about packaging art , poster, almost anything in visual art used in music. I hope i could send a question to you, sort of ... online interview, and you can answer them.

AARON: I'm down to answer a few questions, is the magazine just online or are there physical copies? Sorry I can't check the OHBLOGLAGI! website, due to our insanely slow computer, I'm limited to emails for the time being.

NAZRI AHMADEUS : Have you heard about Malaysia? What are working on right now?

AARON: I've read a few articles about Malaysia in National Geographic and some other nature journals, sounds like a beautiful place.

NAZRI AHMADEUS : Anyway, have a good time and keep up the good work, cheers!

AARON: Thanks again and take care.

Profile: Aaron Horkey is a graphic designer from Windom, Minnesota.He has created concert posters for bands such as Boris, Converge,Isis, and The Melvins. First Showing described him as "one of Mondo's most popular and respected artists". He was birthed and reared in Windom, Minnesota, in the heart of the Rural Midwest. Key personality traits include debilitating social ineptitude and a perverse attention to detail. Enjoys desolation, megafauna and transplanting sumacs. Currently ensconced in a bucolic whistlestop just west of the Mississippi, he whiles away the hours staring at his chore list and cultivating ulcers. He is the sole survivor of the Black Osprey Dead Arts Society and founding member of the Cottonwood County Druids Skateboard Gang. - WIKI & JUXTAPOZ

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