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Friday, July 18, 2014

[TAKZIAH] Angeline Premila Rajandaran : salah seorang mangsa tragedi #MH17

Angeline Premila Rajandaran ialah salah seorang krew penerbangan MAS Malaysia Flight MH17.

Angeline merupakan ex girlfriend kepada seorang kawan, Zamarul. Takziah.


Anonymous said...

who is her ex boyfriend?

Blitzenius said...

The name is Zamarul. A friend of a friend. Biarlah jadi kenangan.

Anonymous said...

he is very luck guy. I never see any post of angeline related to her bf.

Anonymous said...

Dude...u sucks when u lie.

Najwa Latif said...

U jeles brahh?

Anonymous said...

Definately he's a BIG liar...you can tell don't you or you are just the same boat as that shitty friend of yours.

Aimi Najwa Jul Baharin said...

Relax. He's just an ex. When theyre stull in kubdergardens. Youre not even born yet. Or sucky sucky your thumbs

Anonymous said...

Get a life...I'm done with my Md when u r still googoo gaagaa

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