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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Twitter Trending : #AyatAttentionSeeker

Saya tahu saya tak engsel....

Go figure...

 terasa ke ? 
"Gosh, I'm so ugly in this pic. :(" 
59 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
"Back from Starhill. Mom bought me a new bag from LV. U jelly?" "The waiter spilled water on my GUCCI heels ugh!" 
11 minutes ago 
 Faliq Fahmi 
*letak typo dengan sengaja, berharap agar dibahan orang lain* 
16 minutes ago 
 Malaysian's Swag 
Admit it, everybody wants attention because when someone pays attention it shows that they care about you. 
19 minutes ago 
 Faliq Fahmi 
"Hi saya belum mandi. Siapa nak mandikan?" Kau ingat kau jenazah nak kena mandikan? 
19 minutes ago 
 Bieberbucks Coffee ™ 
 defines Sydney, Page, and Mariah.
24 minutes ago 
 terasa ke ? 
" 100+ friend requests... Nanti dah free baru approve lah. " 
32 minutes ago 
 terasa ke ? 
"Thanks for adding/approving. Nanti jgn sombong2 k." 
34 minutes ago 
 Pixie Lott 
Reply "thanks for the add" to everyone that adds you on facebook 
35 minutes ago 
 Alya Natasha ♕ 
 is like common. I mean every single tweet that we tweeted its what we all do. Don't lie. Nobody's perfect.
36 minutes ago 
 Alya Natasha ♕ 
"Allah take me away, I don't want to live anymore" careful of what you wished for. Kang betul betul kena. Tu makan dia
41 minutes ago 
 Muhammad Syafiq 
Its only tweets about  . Why so serious ?
45 minutes ago 
"kalau nak BBpin, just ask ;)" . I'd like to stick some pins in your eyes though...
46 minutes ago 
 Effi Obefiend 
 hammer time masuk timeline 
47 minutes ago 
*Uploads a new picture for twitcon "New twitcon!! Urgh I look so ugly in my twitcon" Omg die..
51 minutes ago 
"My daddy belikan i iPad and iPhone 4s. Thank you daddy :* Muah muah" 
57 minutes ago 
 ANTI Pavilion Kids 
I just posted entry in my blog , about my virginity lost 
58 minutes ago 
"I'm single everyone!" Ok srsly no one even asked.. 
1 hour ago 
 Arief Hamizan 
That awkward moment when an attention-seeker tweets  lines.
1 hour ago 
 Arief Hamizan 
 'DAH BREAK ;).' How I wish you were referring to your neck.
1 hour ago 
 Yasmin Hj Redzuan 
Tak best lah pakai Blackberry, I nak campak longkang ah cemnik. 
1 hour ago 
 Chicken Curry ✝ 
"OMG, look at my picture! I'm so ugly!! T.T" 
1 hour ago 
 Muhammad Akbar ▲ 
 "Hot tak hot, neraka lagi hot." Hek eleh, buat apa hot-hot ni, cool jelah.
1 hour ago 
Mcm someone we know je en  RT  "i'm going to take a knife and...... now" 
1 hour ago 
 Muhammad Syafiq 
 "Hot tak bawa masuk kubur lah"
1 hour ago 
 نابيله جيلاني 
RT : EEEEE HIM! Yucks. RT  errr....remember Ezmir Daniel on Fb? "Hey (cont) 
1 hour ago 
 ANTI Pavilion Kids 
I ada DSLR , uolls ada ? 
1 hour ago 
"Esok saya nak pakai baju Versace it CAUSE RM35k so excited " 
1 hour ago 
 ANTI Pavilion Kids 
saya tau saya tak ensom 
1 hour ago 
 Arief Hamizan 
'Cuba tengok gambar I. Hodoh kan?' 
1 hour ago 
 Chicken Curry ✝ 
"Ohmygod! I'm so ugly! I could die" 
1 hour ago 
"I'm going to kill myself right now" "
1 hour ago 
 nrzln nadhrh 
Don't worry. I menang punya Miss Universe Malaysia. VOTE FOR ME!! 
1 hour ago 
"No one wants me, urgh I'm so sad" 
1 hour ago 
 Fasya Rimi ♥ 
 "Jom buat realtionship nak ? I single ni"
1 hour ago 
 Amira Azmi ϟ 
 errr....remember Ezmir Daniel on Fb? "Hey you. Jom wall to wall? You start dulu" Clearly an attention seeker.
1 hour ago 
"i'm going to take a knife and...... now" 
1 hour ago 
 Ameer Haqeem 
"Weh aku tengah cari attention." 
1 hour ago 
 Eera Wayne 
 Saya tak cantik macam awak pun. Harap orang puji la tuh
1 hour ago 

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